Vitamin D and Kids
We've all been bombarded by the public service announcements that stress the importance of physical activity in children. With obesity on the rise it is important that children are getting plenty of exercise, but there is also another reason why they should be playing outside: Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a nutrient that the body depends on, and sunlight can be synthesized by the body into Vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements can also offer a great source of Vitamin D, and recent studies have shown the importance of Vitamin D to the immune system of children.
Vitamin D is essential to healthy immune response. When the body's T cells detect harmful pathogens they deploy a Vitamin D receptor. If the T cell is unable to locate Vitamin D it will remain inactivated, but if it is able to get Vitamin D it will mobilize and fight the pathogens. Vitamin D will either turn the T cell into a killer cell or a helper cell that communicates with the immune system. The killer cell actively seeks and destroys the pathogen, while the cell in charge of communication helps to pass information on to the immune system. This is an important function, because it helps the body to recognize the harmful pathogen and to properly respond to its presence in future encounters.
Clearly Vitamin D is an important factor in immune function, and a study conducted at the Medical University of South Carolina documented its necessity in children. The study tested over 500 children who were deemed unhealthy and chronically ill, and their blood was tested for Vitamin D levels. The testing revealed that the more sick the child was the lower their Vitamin D levels were. Studies also found that children who took Vitamin D supplements or got plenty of sunlight were less likely to be ill.
Get your children outside. It is not only a great way to keep them in shape, but the exposure to sunlight is a valuable source for Vitamin D. Of course sunlight might not provide enough Vitamin D, and for this a natural Vitamin D supplement works great. The human body depends on the Vitamin D for healthy immune response, and a lack of Vitamin D is directly correlated to poor immune function.
Some Sources of Vitamin D for Kids
Nordic Berries Chewable Vitamins and Minerals
Multigenics Chewable